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5 Advantages of traveling that transform your life!

advantages of traveling

Traveling seems like a word from a distant past. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Even if you don’t go as far as usual – and always pay attention to all security measures – the advantages of traveling are immense and do not lose value due to the pandemic.

Stay with us as we present you with five compelling arguments to start thinking about your next adventure.

1. Traveling contributes to physical health

Habits as simple as walking and being outdoors do wonders for health. Of course, these are practices that are never lacking in travel. Sedentary lifestyle is combated, giving rise to greater physical activity.

Several studies prove that traveling substantially improves heart health. There are statistics that show that those who travel regularly reduce the chances of developing serious cardiovascular diseases by about 30%.

2. Reducing stress and anxiety is one of the biggest advantages of traveling

In times of uncertainty, the stress levels of much of the population have increased significantly. But walking (always safely) remains a great “medicine”.

The advantages of traveling when it comes to combating anxiety are clear and continue even after the trip is over. There is an improvement in mood and the body and mind have the opportunity to rest.

In addition, travel distractions have the power to cast aside everyday problems. The whole context of discovery and adventure allows you to stop and simply enjoy the moment.

3. Leaving your city or country is a great ally of mental health

Maintaining good psychological health is vital, as it profoundly affects all fields of our life. Again, the advantages of traveling here are undeniable.

In doing so, you will be challenging your limits and fueling self-esteem by noticing your adaptability capabilities in action. The odd moments you will live can also awaken important reflections with the potential to influence the rest of your life.

Additionally, traveling offers a kind of alternative to everyday reality, which contributes to a more positive mood. It also helps to develop an attitude of gratitude for the fantastic experiences you have the opportunity to live.

4. Walking and discovering stimulates cognitive abilities

There are countless brain functions that are stimulated by travel, from creativity to the expansion of knowledge and problem solving.

In a new destination, you will have to absorb and navigate through a vast array of information: language, places to visit, culture, among many other things. Learning does not stop. Creativity is also heightened whenever you find yourself in a new environment. Sensations and experiences burst open the doors of the imagination.

In more concrete terms, the advantages of traveling are also present. Even your curriculum is enriched, as interpersonal skills and multicultural awareness are increasingly valued.

Leaving to discover still requires good planning skills, and particularly, time and money management. And there is no more effective way to learn a new language than to simply “throw yourself” into the population and act like a local.

When you get back to work, your mind will be more nourished and productivity levels will have everything to go up. Finally, we must stress that traveling opens the mind and breaks down prejudices. New cultures, ethnicities and traditions come to integrate your diverse notion of the world.

5. Deep down, travel increases happiness

We could talk about many other advantages of traveling (and we would have cloth for sleeves), but in the end it comes down to this simple way. For all that travel allows, unbeatable moments of genuine happiness are created. And indelible memories carry that happiness for many good years.

In Portugal, the variety of cultures, traditions, landscapes and flavors is huge! Surrender yourself to the country’s charms by living memorable experiences in one of the most emblematic cities: Porto.

At Feel Porto, we have a range of experiences and accommodations in Porto that adapt to the most diverse needs. All with Clean & Safe seal! Take care of them and feel at home while enjoying the endless benefits of traveling!

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